Not your typical new year’s post

An annual tradition, I was clearing out my room to look for things I could give away when I remembered a doll from my childhood.

She has no name; no spare clothes.

She looks somewhat creepy and has not a single strand of hair left on her head.

She isn’t the prettiest doll; and will probably never be the most expensive one.

Yet despite all this, I will never throw her out; nor give her away.

I was around five years old when I asked my mother to buy her for me. We were doing our weekly browsing at National Bookstore; and a pile of dolls caught my eye.

This one, in particular, I wanted.

Can you remember a time of love at first sight? Or perhaps your first love? Not confined to a person; perhaps it was a pair of shoes, or a car, or some jewelry.

It catches not just your eye, but also your heart, and is difficult to forget.

That’s what the doll did to me. I wanted it, and the doll was then worth around P50; and at present would probably cost somewhere between P80 and P100.

Unfortunately, my mother could not afford it.Β What many do not know is that there was a time when it was not easy for my mother to support me financially.

Seeing her challenges, I never asked her for much. Perhaps that’s one of the reasons behind my drive for independence and achievement.

In fact, I have carried over this behavior of trying to be self-contained and independent to my adulthood. My mother says I am full of pride and will do my best not to ask her for financial help. I know that now she has the means, she wants to be able to provide me with what she can. But the truth is, I just do not want to be a burden.

This doll has taught me many things.

It has taught me patience; and that the things which matter are worth waiting for. The doll may mean nothing to others, but to me she is a priceless symbol of lessons and memories.

The doll has taught me to value what I have. Financial security is not a guaranteed permanent state of living. I take care of the things that I have as I never know how long it will be of value to me. If I decide to give it away, at least it’s still in its best shape when I give it to someone else.

The doll has taught me that I am loved. My mother saved up for it. I do not know what she had to scrimp on when she had very little to get me this doll; but she did.

Today, I have much more materially and financially than what I had that day. I am thankfully able to buy what I want; when I want. I am also blessed to be able to treat my family. Despite all this, it is a rare occasion that anything I buy now could ever hold as much value as this doll does for me.

As I enter the new year, I look forward to the new journeys and lessons it holds. I look forward to the new moments which will inspire and admittedly wince at the thought of new moments which will break my heart. Ultimately, I look forward to a year which will shape, challenge, and strengthen me. This year’s lessons may not come in the form of a doll, but I am thankful to live every moment of it.


Working with your strengths

Let’s face it: sh*t happens. And sometimes, it can be crazy enough to rock our confidence.
In my previous post, I talked about quieting that little-big creature within us called insecurity.
But there are two sides to a coin. As much as we have insecurities, we’ve got to give ourselves credit for our strengths too!


Hosting draws out my gameface. One of the key things I do is imagine I'm speaking to just one person as opposed to the xxx number of people in front of me!

Hosting draws out my game face. One of the key things I do is imagine I’m speaking to just one person as opposed to the xxx number of people in front of me!


Let’s explore a couple of ways to help us do just that:

1. Identify your strengths. And don’t tell me you don’t have any, because everyone has them. List them down. During a particularly challenging time which made me feel inadequate, I started thinking about what I actually liked about myself. I started looking back to situations I was so happy because I felt like a rocked!
You can do this too! To help you focus, think about the times when you felt like a success. What did you do which resulted in this? What did others compliment about you which helped build you up even more? For us to build confidence, we need to work what we have!


I only recently gained the self-awareness that I am a courageous woman - courageous in speaking the truth! And I am blessed with friends who appreciate this about me. :)

I only recently gained the self-awareness that I am a courageous woman – courageous in speaking the truth! And I am blessed with friends who appreciate this about me. πŸ™‚


2. Be thankful. At the end of the day, a satisfied person creates happy thoughts. We usually are so transfixed with what we don’t have and what we have yet to achieve that we forget to savor the moment of being alive! Appreciate everything you already have. After all, it’s probably so much more than what you really need just to survive today. πŸ˜‰


Would you rather see an unhappy face in the mirror in the morning?

Would you rather see an unhappy face in the mirror in the morning?


3. Sometimes it takes more than just identifying our strengths, we actually need to celebrate our successes!
Celebrating can be anything from a small treat to a big purchase. It can go anywhere from a massage to a night out with friends.
Whatever it may be, creating great memories along with successful ones help inspire us to want to do and feel great over and over again.


I usually treat myself to a lunch I really want on Sundays...

I usually treat myself to a lunch I really want on Sundays…


...Or I shop for some items that I fall in love with, like this gorgeous top!

…Or I shop for some items that I fall in love with, like this gorgeous top!


4. Changing mindsets. Easier said than done, but being positive can create wonders for our belief in ourselves. Instead of expecting something to go wrong, sometimes what we can do is to do our best to prepare, square our shoulders, and smile. It’s no longer a rare belief that we bring upon us what we think about. After all, books have been written about this. But what are all these if we don’t actually try it? Not only will it make us glow with a happy vibe, it also makes us appear more dependable and in-charge. Another bonus? It helps make more friends too!


Smile - Smile - Smile! :)

Smile – Smile – Smile! πŸ™‚


5. Be grateful when accepting comments. I have a true story about this. When I was younger, I was terrible at accepting comments, particularly positive ones. Eventually in high school, one of my teachers told me – stop shrugging them off. Just say ‘thank you!’. Guess what… It wasn’t only easier to say, it also made the person giving the comment feel appreciated! If you haven’t yet, try it!


Accepting comments gracefully helps our heart connect with that of others.

Accepting comments gracefully helps our heart connect with that of others.


On top of working with our insecurities and strengths, here are some other tips you may want to consider:

1. Set goals. I recently re-visited my bucket list. It feels great realizing we’ve accomplished something!
2. Take an active role in situations. I once attended a seminar which helped me realize that often, we victimize ourselves in situations. Why? Because it draws attention to us. Realize you can take an active stand in situations. You’ll discover that it’s usually rarely the case that you’ll have no choice or input in something. A plus? An empowered, passionate person can be more attractive than a weak victim!
3. Fake it til you make it. Coming from one of those Ted Talks is the concept of faking it til you enable it. If all else fails and you still feel fazed, put that smile on your face, relax your shoulders, and use open body language. Eventually, the positive signals the smile sends to your brain will help your brain catch up to what you’re showing, and you’ll naturally look and feel happier! πŸ™‚


Faking it til you make it can take you a long way - just like the acting I did for this fastfood store mural which is still used in many stores across the country. :)

Faking it til you make it can take you a long way – just like the acting I did for this fastfood store mural which is still used in many stores across the country. πŸ™‚


Sources used in this post:

Notes and memories from a PSI workshop

And some photos have been grabbed from GSCS Alumni Homecoming, and Janette Wycoco’s Facebook pages





Building Confidence

There’s a fairly thin line between being confident and full of yourself.
But the first one’s often considered attractive; the second one, a turn-off.

If we were to be honest with ourselves, narcissism can actually be a front for a lot of insecurities.

Think about it. Go back to the times when you were fishing for compliments from others. Weren’t these actions directed towards making you feel good about yourself?

Confidence, not Overconfidence. Question is, is this dog more confident than you are?

Confidence, not Overconfidence. Question is, is this dog more confident than you are?

On a personal note, before I actually came into the point of acceptance that it was a lack of confidence which drove these actions, I quite vehemently denied thatΒ I was seeking attention.

Now let me clarify something – I’m not saying insecurity is the culprit everytime you do this, but when you become more comfortable with who you are and what yourΒ worth is, you tend to bring more ideas into discussions and social gatherings, as opposed to competing for praises and validating your self-worth with attention.

I once came across a source which said that “we musn’t focus on what our value is, but rather what value we can bring into the situation”.

Knowing how the water's flow has been influenced by man-made efforts, Thailand's Chao Phraya river never ceases to amaze me. Imagine workers who were all working towards the impact of delivering this impact - new canals for the main river to flow into!

Knowing how the water’s flow has been influenced by man-made efforts, Thailand’s Chao Phraya river never ceases to amaze me. Imagine workers all working towards the goal of creating this impact – new canals for the main river to flow into!

A lot of big words, I know. But you know what, although it takes time, focus, and a lot of honesty to get to a point of admitting your insecurities even just toΒ yourself, it’s worth it.

Because the only true way you can start building your confidence is by realizing and accepting who you are, and this isn’t just your great qualities, but the painΒ points too.

I’ve divided this post into two parts: working with your insecurities, and working with your strengths.

I find that it’s very important to start with the more painful parts, because it’s only when we take out these ‘cavities’ that we can sustainably build on ourΒ strengths.

Otherwise, building on our strengths without addressing what makes us feel uncomfortable about ourselves may become something like ‘puff pieces’ of a newspaper –Β they’re meant to make us feel good, but don’t always carry something substantial or create long-term change with it.

We also have to understand that ‘pain points’ or shortcomings may be extremely relative from both personal and cultural perspectives.

To give you a more concrete example of this, there have been people who both found my being petite normal, some who found it endearing, and some who made fun of me forΒ it.

Up until high school, I never thought much of it.

The only time it started bothering me was when I was in university and my then boyfriend teased me about it even when he knew I minded it (one of the many reasons whyΒ he’s an ex. πŸ˜‰ )

So for a while I became very conscious of this characteristic, and felt very insecure about it.

The time I started moving beyond this negative feeling was when I made a conscious effort to accept this as part of who I am.

After all, I do live in a country where a lot of women aren’t tall! And hey, I realized I could work this as simply part of who I am! (Not to mention that I can takeΒ full advantage of gorgeous heels without being taller than most guys!)

It's so easy to find and use gorgeous high-heeled shoes!

It’s so easy to find and use gorgeous high-heeled shoes!

But I’m getting ahead of myself here. Dear reader, let’s start a tough yet liberating journey which can hopefully make you more aware of your true and wonderful self,Β ‘flaws’ included!

A. Working with your insecurities

1. List down your insecurities. Whether it’s physical (i.e. I wish I had nicer skin), emotional (i.e. I’m too impulsive), spiritual (i.e. I’m such a doubter when itΒ comes to my faith), social (i.e. I want to be part of a huge group but I just don’t have the guts for it!), or mental (i.e. I’m not smart enough!); be completelyΒ honest with yourself and list them down. You don’t have to show this list to anyone else, and it really helps when you’re honest with what you feel are your ‘weak’Β points.

Daniel Radcliffe wishes he was taller!

Daniel Radcliffe wishes he was taller!

2. Explore the root of these deemed imperfections. More often than not, an insecurity can surface as something small, but can actually have underlying issues beneathΒ it. After you list down your insecurities, think about how they make you feel. Then go back to incidents in your life when you felt this way and try to see if theseΒ incidents have a common theme. Do you seem to have a lot of incidents when you felt like you weren’t good enough? Or you were rejected? Or you were manipulated? You’llΒ not only get to know and understand yourself better, you may also realize things about yourself linking your insecurities to these difficult moments.

Zac Efron thinks he has a huge head!

Zac Efron thinks he has a huge head!

3. Accept that perfectionism is overrated. As humans, we’re flawed, one way or another. Pretentious perfectionism is boring. Flaws give you character and make you moreΒ relatable, and even likeable! I once read that British actress Kiera Knightley refused ‘to get her teeth fixed’ because her ‘imperfect’ ones make her stand out more!
Truth is, it’s only when we embrace our ‘flaws’, that we are able to work them into conversations in a way that sincerely does not fish for compliments. The result? ItΒ makes us more human and loveable to others!

She became one of the faces of Chanel fragrances even with her 'imperfect teeth'!

She became one of the faces of Chanel fragrances even with her ‘imperfect teeth’!

4. Realize that EVERYONE goes through insecurities. No one is an exception to this rule. We all have moments when we feel like somebody’s better-looking, gets moreΒ attention, speaks better. Well firstly, you may want to check out my write-up on ‘Getting over Envy’. Secondly, you have to realize that emotions and circumstances canΒ subject anyone to feeling rotten, incompetent, inefficient, or irrelevant sometimes. The difference between more confident and less confident people? The moreΒ confident ones usually seem to take life as it comes, and recognizes their ‘flaws’ as part of who they are, during or after these bad days!

It's been said that even Kate Middleton has body insecurities too!

It’s been said that even Kate Middleton has body insecurities too!

So I hope you have enough to start building on for today and the next few days. Watch out for Part B, where we talk about working your strengths to help in ourΒ individual journeys of confidence building!

Here are some great references used for this post:

Getting over Envy

It’s the feeling in your gut which nudges you to say a nasty (whether it’s true or not) thing about her; the kick that justifies telling others that you’re more qualified than the ?#!# who got the promotion.
STOP for a reality check. Go back to your intentions.
Because the truth is, no matter how much we deny it, we know if our intentions are really as pure as we claim them to be.
And reality is, whatever incident you just thought of, and whether or not whatever you said or did this time had good intentions behind it, this feeling which Shakespeare alludes to as the ‘green-eyed monster’ gets to us sooner or later.
You're better than this!

You’re better than this!

Ever watched Lindsay Lohan’s ‘Mean Girl’ flick?
One of my all time favorite quotes comes from that movie. It goes like this:
“Calling someone fat doesn’t make you any skinnier.
Calling someone stupid isn’t going to make you any smarter.
Ruining someone’s life certainly isn’t going to make you happier.
All you can do in life is try to solve the problem in front of you.”
Mean; Meaner; Meanest. Which one can you most relate to?

Mean; Meaner; Meanest. Which one can you most relate to?

Think about it. Going around saying bad things about the girl who got the guy isn’t going to get him back.
Saying someone’s fugly (excuse the term, it’s also used in the movie) because you want people to see him that way doesn’t make you hotter. πŸ™‚
I know it’s tough to hear, and I’m sorry it hurts. Let me share what works for me when I’m hit by this unpleasant feeling:
1. Get involved in activities which make you happy and confident.
I came across an insightful source which shared that “jealousy is usually a by-product of insecurity and low self-worth”. We have to remind ourselves that even though that person has something we may secretly want, we’re pretty great too! Going back to things which we feel great doing gives us that happy boost!
Teaching and Public Speaking require me to summon powers of self-confidence and give me my boost! This photo was taken for I am Meg's first season in the Philippines after I taught the contestants about interviewing!

Teaching and Public Speaking require me to summon powers of self-confidence and give me my boost! This photo was taken during I am Meg’s first season in the Philippines after I taught the contestants about interviewing on a taped episode.

2. Know that you’re good enough, even if you have to ‘fake it till you make it’!
I once read that the brain can be trained to make us feel a certain way. Know the line “just when I thought things couldn’t get worse…”? Well, I can’t go scientific on this, but don’t you feel like things have a tendency to go from bad to worse? Wouldn’t you prefer trying to change it from bad to better? What do you have to lose?
Spending time with my bestfriends reminds me how much fun life can be!

Smiles and laughter with my best friends reminds me how much fun life can be!

3. Remind yourself that we all have our own individual journeys.
I once attended a retreat facilitated by the well-known inspirational Sala couple – Dr. Harold and Darlene – on emotional and spiritual maturity. During this time, I was feeling particularly small compared to someone. A part of the retreat was devoted to this topic; and they shared wisdom on how our individual life journeys are so unique, that there’s nothing we should compare with others. Other people are called to do something different from what we are.
I grabbed this photo from our church's young adult group, showing happy faces with the wonderful Salas!

I grabbed this photo from our church’s young adult group, showing happy faces with the wonderful Salas. Try to spot me in the photo!

4. Determine if you truly want what you’re jealous of.

Just like a practical approach to grocery shopping, determine your needs and wants in life. Now, go back to what you perceive as drool-worthy traits or facts about THAT person. Then go back to your list. Do you really need what he or she has?

Next question: Would you really want what he or she has in the long run? Would it really make you the best version of yourself in 5 or 10 years?

You know what, there’s a pretty great chance you already have exactly what you need to be your best possible version at this point in your life!

I hadn't been to Hanoi in a decade, but I also had a lot on my mind. As a I was walking by the Hoan Kiem Lake, I suddenly looked up, and noticed the canopy of leaves above my head. The beauty, the stillness, made me realize everything would be okay, and I felt the most beautiful feeling of contentment and peace!

I hadn’t been to Hanoi in a decade, but I also had a lot on my mind. As I was walking by Hoan Kiem Lake, I looked up and noticed the canopy of leaves above my head. The beauty, the stillness, made me realize everything would be okay, and I felt the most beautiful feeling of contentment and peace!

5. “The world goes round”

If all else fails, just remember the saying “the world goes round”. You may be feeling down now, but it isn’t forever. Relish the great times, and believe that the tough ones will inevitably come to an end. And oh – for that person you feel jealous about, don’t forget that the same rule applies to them. They have bad days too! πŸ˜‰

I love this shot by my friend Gem Abad of Ambient Light Studios. I think it totally captures the phrase 'C'est la vie'!

I love this shot by my friend Gem Abad of Ambient Light Studios. I think it totally captures the phrase ‘C’est la vie’!

And so I hope this helps bring out the ‘you’ which is more easily able to bounce back from envy. It really is a horrible feeling! Don’t let it keep biting. After all, you already an amazing individual of many great and wonderful things!

And thanks so much for checking out this post! Here are my sources of great quotes and suggestions:

Fighting Burnout

I’ve been trying to take pro-active steps towards avoiding burnout; because let’s face it: no matter how much you love your work, burn-out can sooner or later happen to anyone.

Apparently it’s a pretty common topic too. Googling ‘fight burnout’ produces more than 7.5 million results!

Testing some of tips I’ve come across, I can definitely say that the following have worked for me:

1. Making sure that my sleeping space is orderly.
I don’t know the scientific explanations behind the consciousness, subconsciousness, and clutter; but I can definitely attest to my self-observations that when my room’s a mess, my mind’s a mess.
This has a chain effect of me not having a peaceful and orderly mind, and becoming easily annoyed and impatient with personal and professional tasks.

I use a lot of flowers in my room to brighten it up, just like this pot of fake flowers from SM department store

I use a lot of flowers in my room to brighten it up, just like this pot of fake flowers from SM department store


2. Getting enough sleep.
I wish there was another way around this, as sleep seems to be inversely proportional with the amount of work I
Unfortunately there isn’t. When I don’t sleep enough, I have trouble getting out of bed in the morning, get more
easily tired at work, and just want to end my day ASAP.


3. Creating variety.
It doesn’t have to be everyday, but changing something with myself (a new piece of clothing, a new shade of
lipstick), a new way of doing a task, or a new route going home helps put a little kick of eagerness and
anticipation into my day.

Having a random weekday lunch out with a good friend turns a regular lunch break into an even more fun time!

Having a random weekday lunch out with a good friend turns a regular lunch break into an even more fun time!


4. Feeling good about something I do well.
It might be the way you manage your emails or the way you accomplish things effectively; but I can definitely say
that I get happiness and confidence boosts when I know I’m doing something well. Now here’s a small tip – why not
take notes of these moments so you can go back to them for a boost on not-so-fine days?

Meet my 'What did I do well today?' notebook

Meet my ‘What did I do well today?’ notebook


5. Take a vacation.
Sometimes this is really what it’s all about. Taking a vacation breaks monotony of everyday tasks and re-energizes
your mind, body, and soul!

During a most memorable trip with my best friends

During a most memorable trip with my best friends


6. Form friendships at work.
Not only will you have someone to hang out with during social functions, you’ll also have familiar faces with whom
you can bond with during everyday lunches and quick breaks.

Hosting a corporate event with colleague and good friend, Thinh

Hosting a corporate event with colleague and good friend, Thinh


7. Get involved.
Find ways to get involved in extra-curriculars. Not only can it build friendships, it builds other skill areas too!

Doing training and coaching on other soft and leadership skills with these great ladies from different places of the planet!

Doing training and coaching on soft and leadership skills with these great ladies from different places of the planet!


8. Have a hobby.
Pursue other passions outside of work which inspire you to work smarter in order to leave time for other activities. What mine are? I’ve joined an international public speaking group called Toastmasters (message me if you want to learn more about it), and I read up on fashion as often as possible!


9. Find a higher purpose.
Easier said than done, having a deeper meaning and a higher purpose in life than just getting by every single day
gives one a sense of hope, and direction.

I find joy in looking at lights through droplets of rain on the car windows.

I find joy in looking at lights through droplets of rain on the car windows.


10. Reward yourself.
You’ve got to relish what you work for too! My small pleasures? Trying out new restos on weekends or getting a

Albeit not on the cheap end, Shangri-la Plaza's Maple Restaurant has some really worth-it dishes like their delicious Carbonara!

Albeit not on the cheap end, Shangri-la Plaza’s Maple Restaurant has some really worth-it dishes like their delicious Carbonara!



Sources which gave me suggestions on what tricks to try:

Black to Basics

Black to Basics

Dress from Forever21; Scarf from SM; Belt from Ever New; Wedges from Comfit.

As I pack the final items for a week-long get-away, I sneak in a couple of moments to update my blog.

Let’s talk – black. Considered as ‘absence of light’ and ‘not even a color’ in some scientific fields, it’s certainly creating waves this year as it comes back with a vengeance, easily plays up the drama to any outfit.

Scarf from SM; Belt from Ever New; Watch from Swatch.

In possession of one or a few LBDs? Easily update them by pairing with pretty pastels and hot metallics.

Lusting for an atypical pair of black heels? Then check out the play on texture of these black velvet and faux snakeskin wedges from trendy shoe brand Comfit!


Wedges from Comfit.

A favorite exercise in styling classes I’ve attended is transforming your scarf into different pieces of clothing.
I don’t wear scarves belted too often. What I can guarantee you that wearing it this way gives one the advantage of a shapely illusion while covering up problem areas in front.

As I wrap up this short write-up, and prepare to rest for a morning flight, I wish you all a blessed Holy Week, and hope you stay attuned to what I have in store for you this coming April! πŸ˜‰


Dress from Forever21; Belt from Ever New; Scarf from SM.

Dress from Forever21; Belt from Ever New; Scarf from SM.




Hot Summer Days

Chain necklace from Forever21; Color block necklace and Tangerine dress from Bangkok.

Chain necklace from Forever21; Color block necklace and Tangerine dress from Bangkok.

Albeit the occasional shower or two, temperatures soar as summer begins. Cool it down with in-trend candy color, make it hotter with a sizzling shade; or play on both cool and warm color families by playing around with your accessories.

For this week’s featured look, I decided to pile on the accessories on this screaming tangerine dress which I purchased in Bangkok in Q4 2012.

Friends, this should tell you a few things.

Firstly, that a piece of clothing doesn’t have to be brand new to look chic;

and secondly, that accessories can DEFINITELY update your look.

Chain necklace from Forever21; Color block necklace and Tangerine dress from Bangkok; Wedges from CMG.

Chain necklace from Forever21; Color block necklace and Tangerine dress from Bangkok; Wedges from CMG.

And speaking of Easter, guess who’s going to be on vacation during Holy Week!

I can barely conceal my excitement, I know… But don’t sleeping, lounging, eating, shopping, and sight-seeing sound absolutely delightful?

I look forward to sharing photos, tips, and other secrets from my trip, as well as a tiny surprise I’ve been planning!

So I hope this teaser if enough to keep you staying tuned, and checking out the latest from my blog.

Oh, and if you haven’t yet, do like It’s a great way to connect!


Chain necklace from Forever21; Color block necklace and Tangerine dress from Bangkok.

Chain necklace from Forever21; Color block necklace and Tangerine dress from Bangkok.


Dress and Belt from Ever New; Gold wedge shoes from People are People.

Sharp Contrasts! Dress and Belt from Ever New; Gold wedge shoes from People are People.

I am a believer that every woman has a perfect shade of red lipstick. It’s one of those must-finds in one’s
life, as it’s strong enough to dramatically change one’s look. πŸ™‚

Just in case you haven’t noticed yet, nautical looks are back to rock this summer.

Anchor designs, stripes, and other sea-inspired prints are once again making a splash, a cool change from the
prevalent warm hues of last year.

Dress from Ever New; Gold wedge shoes from People are People; Thin silver and thin gold bracelet from Forever 21; Thick printed bracelet a hand-me-down.

Texture, texture everywhere! πŸ™‚ Dress and Belt from Ever New; Thin silver and thin gold bracelets from Forever 21; Thick printed bracelet a hand-me-down.

Australian brand Ever New created a lovely dress with this ingenious fabric that contrasted the bold blue and white
stripes with slim silver ones.

The ever-so-flattering cut and surprise diamond detail at the back, give it a sexy feel with just the right amount of skin exposure for everyday wear; and the on-trend metallic-on-metallic play is made with silver stripes and the gold belt which comes with your

Dress and Belt from Ever New; Thin silver and thin gold bracelet from Forever 21; Thick printed bracelet a hand-me-down.

Back details make for a surprising twist. Dress from Ever New. Thin silver and thin gold bracelets from Forever 21; Thick printed bracelet a hand-me-down.

The belt was honestly such a welcome addition! I don’t normally wear a belt which a purchase comes with,
but in this case, everything came together so well!

It’s not very common for me to wear red lips either, but sometimes, you just want a welcome variation from your usual.

On the concept of change, it’s undeniably one of those concepts that usually elicits a reaction.

Inevitable, challenging, surprising change is such a normal occurrence in life that we don’t always realize that
we’re always right in the middle of it.

Silver x Gold = Love! Belt from Ever New; Thin silver and thin gold bracelet from Forever 21; Thick printed bracelet a hand-me-down.

Silver x Gold = Love! Belt from Ever New; Thin silver and thin gold bracelets from Forever 21; Thick printed bracelet a hand-me-down.

There are those natural highs which come when everything seems to come our way. It never truly lasts though, and we know it’s only a matter of time before we feel that things are no longer going the way we want them.

It’s been said so many times in so many different ways, that in a world where everything is temporary, there is a power beyond our own in which we must place our trust in.

Primary hues and metallics make a comeback. Dress and belt from Ever New; Thin silver and thin gold bracelet from Forever 21; Thick printed bracelet a hand-me-down.

Primary hues and metallics make a comeback. Dress and belt from Ever New; Thin silver and thin gold bracelets from Forever 21; Thick printed bracelet a hand-me-down.

It’s so easy to get caught up in the daily business of here and now, that it can come as a challenge to look up and beyond.

With life so fleeting, we sometimes just need to get back on track by thinking of what’s really necessary and constantly pruning the unneeded parts.

After all, we only live once, and for most, it’s never really long enough. πŸ™‚


Impeccable tailoring can make a pretty frock. Dress and Belt from Ever New; Gold wedge shoes from People are People.

Impeccable tailoring can make a pretty frock. Dress and Belt from Ever New; Gold wedge shoes from People are People.

Prom Spirit


Playing dress up with my grandma’s heirloom jewelry.
Dress from Fabric Stash; Belt from Forever 21.

It’s prom season yet again. Think you’re too old to celebrate? Think again. How about using the annual gala as a concept for elegant personal styling? πŸ™‚

A recent meeting with a fashion designer proved that prom really continues to be a first quarter driving force in the industry.


Just another day of creative office styling. πŸ™‚
Dress from Fabric Stash; Belt from Forever 21.

Just imagine how much thought goes into it. For the ladies – the gown, the hair, the shoes, the accessories.

For the men – the tux, the tie, the shoes, the flowers.

So much detailed preciseness coming together for one night that teenagers could possibly remember for a very long time.


The stories heirlooms can tell are priceless.
Dress from Fabric Stash; Coral and Silver Jewelry a family heirloom.

Now, if we were to take a trip down memory lane, and go back to your high school days, how was prom like for you?

If not the word prom, it could’ve been called a multitude of things – maybe ‘gala’ or ‘soiree’, among others.

Was it a good experience? Was it not? What do you remember from it? Or why do you think you don’t remember it?


Sitting pretty on a pleasant day.
Dress from Fabric Stash; Belt from Forever21; Shoes from Payless Shoe Source.

After going back to some of you high school memories, what about now asking yourself whether or not you’re where you wanted to be at this point in your life.

If you are, then why so? If you aren’t, then why not?

I always enjoy answering reflective questions in self-help books. One seemingly popular question is about what you want for your life. It would usually go somewhere along the lines of: “If you could do absolutely anything and not consider any costs involved, what would you be doing?”


Look at those details!
Dress from Fabric Stash.

This question invokes a certain thoughtfulness wherein one if required to search in his soul what those things are that truly make him or her happy.

Life is never perfect – that’s simply how it is. Its imperfection gives us something to look forward to in our spiritual home.

But at the same time, if I myself were to answer the question, I must say that I’m generally happy with things going on in my life.

I’ve come to terms with who I am as a person. What my capabilities and my weaknesses are. What are important to me, and what makes me weep.

It’s all about finding that message telling oneself that you’re okay. You’re happy; you live; and you hope for whatever tomorrow brings! πŸ™‚



A LWD (Little White Dress) is a closet staple.
Dress from Fabric Stash; Belt from Forever21; Black wedges from Payless Shoe Source; Coral and silver jewelry a family heirloom.